04/19/2022 / By Ethan Huff
The parents of two students enrolled at Ludlow Public Schools in Massachusetts are suing the district for conspiring to groom their children into becoming “genderqueer” and “trans” without their knowledge.
The parents of both the 11-year-old “genderqueer” girl and the “transgender” boy said that school employees brainwashed their children into becoming LGBTQs while forming some kind of pact with them to keep it all a secret.
School employees deliberately concealed what they had done from the parents, which is a violation of parental rights. The children’s parents had no idea that “teachers” at Ludlow Public Schools had assigned them new “gender identities” and “gender pronouns.”
The lawsuit states that Ludlow Public School violated parental rights, due process, and religious liberty by injecting gender identity policies into the curriculum. Meanwhile, Alabama just banned student grooming to prevent this same type of scenario from happening there.
“They say that their sincerely held religious beliefs require truthfulness, obedience to parents, and that they believe children are created as either male or female,” reported the Daily Mail (U.K.) about the suit.
Totaling 58 pages in length, the suit focuses mostly on the female child, who is identified only as B.F. It claims that this 11-year-old sixth grader was given an assignment with others in her class back in September 2019 to film a video describing their gender identity and preferred pronouns.
“The videos of their children were created without the parents’ knowledge or consent and it remains unknown how these videos were used or who was allowed to view them,” the suit states.
The filming of children without consent, especially when that filming involves sex-related topics and content, is pedophilic behavior that sadly is becoming all-too-common in American public schools.
It remains unknown what was done with the video footage, in this case, and some parents are worried that a pervert teacher or group of teachers conducted this “assignment” for personal fetish reasons.
Based on the grooming she was exposed to throughout the assignment, the 11-year-old girl eventually came to the conclusion that she is a “genderqueer.” She also came up with a variety of fake pronouns to describe herself, including ze/zir and fae/faerae.
The boy, who now identifies as a “girl,” also decided to come out as a “transgender” after being exposed to the material.
The suit specifically calls out former district superintendent Todd Gazda, who insulted the parents during a school committee meeting by claiming that their concerns about student grooming amount to “intolerance of LGBTQ people thinly veiled” behind a “camouflage of parental rights.”
Gazda slammed the parents for daring to question anything that is taught at Ludlow Public Schools, arguing that schools, not homes, are the true “safe space” where children can be themselves, find their “true identities,” and feel comfortable with “caring adults.”
In other words, Gazda believes that children are better off when removed from the care of their parents and placed into the “care” of public school groomers. One wonders: Did Gazda have those student videos made for himself?
“Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults, but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school is considered essential?” asked someone in the comment section at 100percentfedup.com.
“Shut down all public schools,” wrote another. “It’s not just happening in one or two schools. Children are being brainwashed all over this country. This is absolutely shameful what they are doing to children.”
More related news about American public schools can be found at Evil.news.
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Tagged Under:
brainwashing, campus insanity, children, culture wars, education system, evil, gender confused, gender issues, grooming, identity politics, indoctrination, left cult, lgbtq, parents rights, perversion, public education, public school, secret, social justice, Students, traitors, transgender
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