Parents in Canada can now be arrested and imprisoned for refusing to go along with the transgender delusions of their own children

A case we’ve been reporting on in Western Canada has taken another turn for the worse, as the Supreme Court of British Columbia recently ruled that parents who refuse to use the “correct” gender pronouns chosen by their “transgender” children will now be considered guilty of committing “family violence.”

Justice Francesca Marzari issued an official order of protection towards this end, stating that a father whom the courts are referring to as “Clark” for his privacy and protection will be subject to immediate arrest if he in any way tries to “persuade” his biological daughter “Maxine” to “abandon treatment for gender dysphoria.” “Clark” will also be arrested if he refers to “Maxine” either by her birth name, or “as a girl or with female pronouns,” either “directly or to third parties.”

BC police officers won’t even have to obtain a legal warrant in order to arrest “Clark” for any of these “infringements,” as Marzari has decreed that his arrest may occur “immediately” and “without warrant” by any police officer “who has reasonable and probable grounds” to enforce her anti-parental rights ruling.

For more related news, be sure to check out

The Canadian government now has more authority over children than their own parents do

Demonstrating the ideologically-motivated nature of Marzari’s decision, in-depth reports reveal that she took particular issue with “Clark’s” refusal to succumb to his biological daughter’s pronoun wishes during not only private interactions, but also public ones.

According to Jeremiah Keenan from The Federalist, Marzari appears to have gotten emotionally riled up over “Clark’s” “continued willingness to provide interviews to the media … in which he identifies [Maxine] as female, uses a female name for [Maxine] … and expresses his opposition to the therapies [Maxine] has chosen – even though “Maxine” is an underage child who is still under the guidance and authority of her parents.

Marzari clearly disrespects the God-appointed authority that Canadian parents rightfully have over their own children, in other words. She also believes that government workers like herself, whenever they become personally “offended” by how parents choose to raise their own children, can simply override the will of these parents and side with the immature whims of underage children.

In this case, an underage child is “choosing” to make life-altering decisions that will permanently affect her – yes, we said her, Marzari. And for merely trying to protect her from going down this wrong path, this underage child’s parents are now facing the wrath of Marzari, who’s assumed the role of tyrannical usurper in overriding their parental authority.

For more news like this, be sure to check out

“Maxine’s” father warns daughter’s state-sanctioned hormone injections will probably kill her

In speaking to The Federalist, “Clark” explained how the hormone injections that his daughter “Maxine” was encouraged to get by Dr. Brenden Hursh from BC Children’s Hospital will “completely disrupt her puberty.”

“Her bones will stop growing, her brain will stop developing … and she’s not going to be a boy,” he further stated, adding that, when all is said and done, “she won’t even have the bone strength left to be a girl anymore.”

It’s a truly dastardly situation for “Clark,” who’s being forced under threat of persecution to basically watch his daughter’s life be destroyed right before his very eyes.

“The government has taken over my parental rights,” he laments. “They’re using [Maxine] like she’s a guinea pig in an experiment … Is BC Children’s Hospital going to be there in five years when she rejects [her male identity]? No, they’re not. They don’t care. They want numbers.”

Be sure to read the full account of events as published by The Federalist at this link.

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