By JD Heyes
According to the fake news media, white vans run over people all by themselves
Some years ago leaders of al Qaeda called on followers of radical Islam to use trucks as weapons to “mow down” infidel non-believers in the West who are “enemies of Allah.” That was 2010. In 2014 leaders of the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, offered similar advice to its supporters, urging them to kill infidels with […]
By Mike Adams
According to the fake news media, evil vans just run over people all by themselves… the DRIVER has nothing to do with it
Remember the Toronto “white van” terrorism attack a few days ago that killed 10 people and injured many more? According to the fake news media, the van did all the driving and ran over people all by itself. The reason the media is reporting this, of course, is because when terrorism is carried out by […]
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