By Ethan Huff
The same left-wing, pro-abortion nut jobs who claim an unborn baby is simply “tissue” of the mother also claim that MEN can get pregnant and have abortions
According to the new mainstream left, it is fully possible and normal for men to get pregnant and deliver babies. Speaking on behalf of today’s Democrat Party, Aimee Arrambide, executive director of the pro-abortion non-profit group AVOW, explained during a recent Judiciary Committee hearing in the House that men need to have access to abortion […]
By Mike Adams
In fight for ABORTION, the radical Left suddenly rediscovers the gender of WOMEN… but wants to exploit women to justify VIOLENCE against infants
It’s almost too hilarious to cover in a serious tone. The same radical left-wing nutjobs who have been screaming for the last two years about how there’s “no such thing as a woman” while demanding biological men should have access to women’s sports, women’s locker rooms and women’s public restrooms, are all suddenly now claiming […]
By News Editors
WOW: Elon Musk says ‘the far left hates everyone, themselves included’
Wait But Why blog website founder Tim Urban retweeted a meme graph shared by Tesla CEO Elon Musk illustrating the current political divide in the country. The graph showed that as liberals pushed farther left, traditional liberals were left behind and now considered right-wing. (Article by Joseph Vasquez republished from Urban said in part that “the left is in […]
By JD Heyes
Libtards freak after Elon Musk buys Twitter, claim they will leave platform in droves
A tidal wave of left-wing figures and personalities beclowned themselves online Monday following news that Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink billionaire founder Elon Musk managed to buy out big tech behemoth Twitter, the world’s second-largest platform. For years, conservatives who post content have been throttled, shadow-banned and kicked off the platform because it was being run […]
By JD Heyes
Families now bailing on Disney parks, films, merchandise over company’s insanely “woke” counterculture push that seems steeped in pedophilia
The Walt Disney Company was founded by a man who believed it good, clean, wholesome, family entertainment that observed and upheld traditional American values, but if he could see what those who are running his company today have turned it into, he would have made sure such people never got control of it. What Disney […]
By Ethan Huff
New York City’s black health chief says that whites are just “birthing people” but blacks and Puerto Ricans are “mothers”
In a stunning display of anti-white racism, New York City Department of Health first chief medical officer Michelle Morse has proclaimed that only non-white women can be “mothers;” white women can only be “birthing persons.” Morse, who is black, gave a carefully crafted speech in which she dignified black and Puerto Rican women while denigrating […]
By Ethan Huff
PREPARE TO FREEZE: Leftist legislators push bill to prohibit heating new and renovated homes with oil or gas
Sen. Rick Lopes (D-Ct.) has introduced new legislation that would make it a crime to install gas or oil heating systems in new or remodeled residential homes in the state of Connecticut. Senate Bill 292 would ban the use of fossil fuels in all new residential construction or when “major alterations” or residential buildings occur. […]
By Ethan Huff
Racist leftists now targeting people of Russian descent over programmed hatred for Putin
Xenophobia against all things Russia is reaching fever pitch as deranged leftists, still tuned in to the false narratives being pushed by the military-industrial complex, have engaged in open racism against people of Russian descent due to programmed hatred of Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine. The latest casualty of this witch hunt mob is Russian […]
By JD Heyes
Why do Democrats celebrate Ukraine’s national pride and patriotism but DESPISE Americans who exhibit the same thing?
Democrats are cheering on the Ukrainians in their war against Russia following the invasion of Vladimir Putin’s troops last week. In particular, Democrats — as are most Republicans — tout Ukrainians’ sense of pride and nationalism, noting that they are ‘standing up and fighting for their country’ in a way that is truly inspiring. In […]
By Ethan Huff
NASA to put a BLACK WOMAN on the moon because “science” is now all about race and gender, even though leftists say gender doesn’t even exist
In 2025, NASA is planning on sending another space crew to the moon. However, the only people who will be allowed on the craft are black women and other “people of color” – white men need not apply, in other words. Since skin color and gender are now more important than things like qualifications and […]
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