Donald Trump
By Ethan Huff
Harvard’s mass discrimination against Asians exposed in shocking investigation… RACIST BIGOTS run the school
White people aren’t the only victims of systemic racism on American college campuses, according to the findings of a new study published by the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO). At Harvard University, anyway, students of Asian descent are vastly underrepresented, CEO claims – and it’s all because of Harvard’s discriminatory race-based admissions policies. Compared to […]
By Jayson Veley
Now the Left wants to destroy history and teach kids to hate conservatives: New 2019 textbook describes Trump as racist
Which seems more appropriate for a history text book: lessons on the founding fathers and the Constitution, or blatant and unsubstantiated attacks on the president of the United States? According to the well-known text book publisher Pearson Education, the answer appears to be the latter. A new U.S. history textbook set to be released in […]
By Ethan Huff
Trump-hating, anti-American gay Olympian who slandered Ivanka Trump is now a “brand ambassador” for Proctor & Gamble
Olympian and outspoken homosexual Gus Kenworthy may not have won any medals at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. But he still made plenty of news headlines for taking repeated swipes at President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the Commander-in-Chief’s daughter Ivanka Trump, whom he disrespectfully cursed at via Twitter for her attendance […]
By Ethan Huff
SICK TV: NBC depicts brutal rape of “Ann Coulter” character in Law & Order episode, radical Antifa assailant goes free
Hollywood’s hatred for conservatives in the Trump era has never been more palpable and in-your-face – and in the case of a recent episode of the popular television show Law & Order: SVU, more pointedly gruesome. In a recent episode of the show entitled “Info Wars” – an obvious reference to Alex Jones’s media network […]
By Jayson Veley
The Left attacks SCIENCE, demands Trump-supporting scientist be PURGED from the American Museum of Natural History
Have you ever noticed that liberal democrats politicize things that no one in their right mind would ever think to make political? Immediately following a mass shooting, they skip the mourning process and go straight to talking about gun control. Barack Obama once used a speech he was giving to the military to push his […]
By Jayson Veley
Oprah is the perfect fit for bleeding heart liberals: Emotional speeches that distort reality while utterly lacking any real substance at all
What exactly is so appealing about the idea of Oprah Winfrey for President? She’s extremely wealthy and her name appears quite often on television and in magazines; other than that, what qualifies her to be the next commander-in-chief and leader of the free world? Perhaps the liberals like her so much because, simply put, she’s […]
By JD Heyes
DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison advocates left-wing terrorism to stop Trump, touts Antifa handbook that promotes extremist tactics
In another day and time, Rep. Keith Ellison would never have been elected to Congress. In fact, the Minnesota Democrat very likely would have found himself the subject of an FBI investigation and, in short order an inhabitant of a federal jail cell, for advocating the things he advocates. Like domestic terrorists and domestic terrorism. […]
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