News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Seven ways today’s kids and teens are being brainwashed into perverted thoughts and demented acts by Leftist extremists
When Barrack Obama began his reign of terror in the White House many moons ago, not too many Americans knew what he had in store for the youth of this country, but fairly early on, Health Ranger Mike Adams called it all out. Obama was a sleeper cell (and still is), and his intent is […]
By S.D. Wells
And like a CREEPY-PERV neighbor, State Farm is there
At State Farm, perverts are “committed” to including 5-year-old children in discussions about sexual identity, cross-dressing and pretending that there’s no such thing as a biological man or woman, because everyone is supposedly gay to some extent. State Farm’s latest target is kindergartners, and State Farm says that gender fluid and LGBTQ+ aren’t just words […]
By S.D. Wells
FULL GROOMER: Discovery TV welcomes “pink palace” where children as young as 13 are being groomed for TRANSEXUALISM
Just add a wig, some makeup and some extreme-Left promotions of child perversion and you’ve got a “production” fit for a communist-run country that’s pushing sex-thinking on kids and blasting it all over social media, including YouTube. It’s gender fluid programming of children’s minds and then blasting out the “production” and conversion to trans-everything-thinking. The […]
By S.D. Wells
BLM screams “racism” when any black person is exposed for corruption, and if it’s a female, then it’s “sexism” too
Yes, black lives definitely matter, even those of criminals. Still, there must be justice served up for criminals, and it shouldn’t matter the color your skin, eyes, or baseball cap. In the latest shady criminal activity by BLM (a.k.a. BLMGNF for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation), a real estate developer working for BLMGNF bought […]
By S.D. Wells
GENDER FLUID PASSPORTS? Gender “X” option now available for passports, so can everyone just “self-identify” as ANY age, name and country of origin also?
Since the U.S. government doesn’t care what gender you really are as identified on a passport, it shouldn’t matter much these days if you just use your imagination to come up with a fake age, a fake name and fake country of origin also. There is not much science behind anything “liberal” anymore, since men […]
By S.D. Wells
UN declares if your country doesn’t properly HATE Russia, you get no vaccines for COVID-19
The biggest fascist “gang” in the world, the United Nations, have voted in favor of forced hatred for Russia. Countries and nations that deny their hatred of Russia will be denied vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), so they can all supposedly die of infectious disease for having dissenting opinions. One such country that will […]
By S.D. Wells
Woman at Michigan School Board meeting blows whistle on LITTER BOXES placed in school bathrooms for students who identify as CATS
Over the past couple decades, corporations have flooded the American food supply with chemicals and hormones that are disrupting children’s normal development, including hormones in meat and dairy products, and chemicals in plastic food containers and canned foods. Now, social media is brain-warping children into thinking they need operations to change their gender and more […]
By S.D. Wells
BEYOND HILARIOUS: Penn Jillette now believes in GENDER MAGIC, even though he spent his entire life attacking “pseudo-science” (opinion)
(Op-Ed) One might recognize Penn Jillette as an American magician, who’s latest magic show involves him instantly changing his lifetime position of skepticism of “pseudo-science” into the belief that males and females are exactly the same, per his latest gender-bending science “act.” This is no longer the “Penn & Teller” show, but now the “Penn & Story Teller” […]
By S.D. Wells
MAN-HANDLED: Ryan “Alana” McLaughlin, former US Army Special Forces soldier, colors (his) hair pink and fights MMA as a “woman,” easily pummels opponent into submission
Never hit a girl, Dads always tell their sons growing up. There’s a good reason for it. The absolute total body strength of biological females on average is only 2/3rds that of biological males. A review of nine different studies on gender strength reveal that female lower body strength is about 72 percent of what […]
By S.D. Wells
VAX WOKE: Can an unvaccinated person in America simply “self-identify” as a vaccinated person, without ever risking a deadly Covid jab?
What if you “personally identify” or “self-identify” as someone who has taken the Covid vaccine, but you haven’t, does that qualify as vaccinated? Why not? If anyone can now simply switch from being a man to a woman (by simply putting on some high heels and lipstick), then you can also switch from non-vaccinated to […]
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