News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Is the transgender craze losing steam? Gallup poll finds most people are sick and tired of LGBT pride
Despite the constant in-your-face drag queen shows and pride parades that aim to desensitize and soften up the nation to accept transgenderism and pedophilia, a new Gallup poll has found that public support for all this gender insanity is cratering. An overwhelming majority of Americans, the poll found, believe that only men should play on […]
By Ethan Huff
DEPRAVITY ON PARADE: Biden’s LGBT Pride celebration at White House featured topless transgender flashing fake breasts
With the LGBT “pride” flag front and center amid two American flags off to each side, the Joe Biden White House was adorned in wickedness this week as the fake president and Pedophile-in-Chief, along with his crime family, staff, and friends, gathered on the White House lawn to celebrate genital mutilation and other sick perversions […]
By Ethan Huff
California state senator tells LGBT NON-affirming parents: Flee state before it takes away your children
The Golden State is on the verge of making it illegal for parents to object to the transgender mutilation of their own children. And one state senator by the name of Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) is warning them to flee now before they end up as enemies of the state. Wilk is of course referring […]
By Ethan Huff
The merger of TRANS and STATE: Here’s how the federal government is using YOUR tax dollars to fund LGBT PRIDE
Though much of the attention surrounding the promotion of LGBT perversion these days centers around corporations like Target and Anheuser-Busch, it is important to also recognize that the true head of the beast is actually the federal government. The country was reminded of this once again after the Navy recently posted, then deleted, a pride […]
By Ethan Huff
Massachusetts middle school students REVOLT against teacher-led pride month deviancy, tear down signs and flags while chanting “U.S.A. are my pronouns”
We are, dare we say, proud to report that middle school students in the Boston suburb of Burlington are fighting back against the six-colored “rainbow” brigade at their local public school. After completely ignoring the Memorial Day holiday due to “an oversight,” teachers and administrators at Marshall Simonds Middle School held a “Pride Spirit Day” […]
By Ethan Huff
Johns Hopkins ERASES women from new woke language guide, refers to them as “non-men”
The left places such little value on women these days that it refuses to even call them women, but is rather now referring to them as “non-men.” The formerly prestigious Johns Hopkins University of Maryland recently issued a new “inclusive language guide” for the modern era that does away with the concept of women entirely. […]
By Ethan Huff
Science says there’s NO EVIDENCE supporting transgender drugs, surgeries
Evidence continues to mount showing that there is no evidence of any benefits stemming from the transgender mutilation and pharmaceutical drugging of children. Despite constant claims from the LGBT industry that cutting off children’s body parts and giving them gender-bender pharmaceutical drugs is helping these little ones to “heal” and become their “true selves,” the […]
By Ethan Huff
California bill would charge parents who reject transgenderism with “child abuse”
The recently passed Assembly Bill 957 in California was quietly amended after hours to include a new requirement that parents in the Golden State must now be “affirming” of their children’s sexual “transitions” or else face potential “child abuse” charges. Written and introduced by Assembly Member Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) on February 14 – Wilson’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftists are now calling Muslims “bigots” and “white supremacists” for wanting to protect their children from LGBT groomers
The left wing of the American political bird is having trouble continuing to blame just “white supremacists” for raising a ruckus over LGBT grooming and pedophilia in public schools now that many Muslim families are also voicing their opposition to such filth being dumped all over their children in the classroom. In Democrat stronghold districts […]
By Ethan Huff
Protecting children from LGBT indoctrination, transgender mutilation now considered by leftists to constitute “hate”
Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Learning for Justice project launched a guide telling elementary school teachers to indoctrinate their students with explicit sexual materials as part of their “learning” experience. As you might expect, many parents and members of the public were outraged, prompting some of them to form child advocacy groups. […]
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