06/21/2021 / By Ethan Huff
The reason why some women are victimized by “sexual violence” is because “privileged white women” have long wanted all “bad men” to be imprisoned, contends a new Oxfam staff training document.
At the root of all sexual violence against women is a feminist ethos of locking up men whom they believe are a negative force on earth. This push results in black and brown men lashing out and causing harm in response, Oxfam purports.
“Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned,” the document explains alongside a photo of a white woman crying.
White women crying and demanding that something be done about those who threaten them only “legitimizes criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people,” it further contends.
Staff at the charity are being told to read a book that supports this premise, concluding that: “Mainstream feminism is supporting, not undoing, the root causes of sexual violence.”
Participating in this training is reportedly voluntary, and the Cult of LGBTQ is already flying off the rails with rage over the fact that women who embrace whatever-wave feminism we have reached are being told that their actions contribute to sexual violence.
The four-week “learning journey,” as it has been dubbed, recommends that staff read the book Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex.
White feminists in particular, the book says, need to take a step back and ask themselves if their beliefs and actions are causing more harm when they claim to try to fight sexual violence.
“White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy,” Phipps wrote on Twitter account, summarizing the claims made in her book.
In other words, white liberal women and their “allies” are a serious problem in society, and every time they whine and cry about something they are perpetuating more “white supremacy” from a place of privilege.
As to be expected, white feminists are reeling with more white tears and white woundedness at the suggestion that they might be guilty of doing something wrong. Naomi Cunningham, a white woman, says that even making this suggestion at all is a violation of the Equality Act, which bans harassment in the workplace on the basis of sex.
“The message seems to be that a woman who reports a rape or sexual assault to the police and presses charges is a contemptible ‘white feminist,'” Cunningham surmised.
“I think any woman could make an arguable case that this has created or contributed to ‘an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment,’ which is how the Equality Act defines harassment.”
In other words, bashing men in all realms of life is no problem and never violates any “equality” provisions in the workplace, but the minute a white feminist’s fragility is challenged, all sorts of laws are instantly broken.
Ironically, Cunningham’s rush to call on the law to save her and her feminist crew from feeling offended is just another act of “white supremacy,” according to the Oxfam curriculum.
“We believe everyone has the right to freedom of gender identity and expression and will do everything we can to ensure those rights are respected and upheld within our organisation and through our work,” a spokesman for Oxfam is quoted as saying in response to Cunningham’s objections.
“Oxfam treats all allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse extremely seriously and actively encourages people to report wherever they have a concern. How to report is covered thoroughly in our staff training provision.”
More related news about feminism and the continued degradation of Western society can be found at Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under: absurd, anti-white, biased, feminism, gender, insanity, lies, Oxfam, privileged white women, propaganda, racism, sexual violence, violence, White Supremacy?