03/23/2021 / By Ethan Huff
He was scoffed at for speaking out, but Jordan Peterson was right. Canada’s Bill C-16, the infamous “anti-discrimination” gender identity bill, has become a weapon that the LGBTQ police state is wielding to separate children from their parents.
Robert Hoogland is now sitting in a prison cell because of Bill C-16, which the state used to punish him for referring to his mentally ill 14-year-old daughter as a girl. Because the girl was groomed by her school teachers into believing that she is actually a “boy,” and because the girl’s mother went along with the charade, Hoogland was forbidden from disagreeing.
Being the good father that he is, Hoogland continued to refer to his little girl by her biological identity, recognizing that her gender dysphoria is a sickness that requires therapy and counseling rather than encouragement and coddling. The feminist police state, however, refuses to allow this.
The girl’s mother, her teachers, and the Canadian court system all want the child to keep pretending like she is “male.” They hope she will pursue a chemical- and knife-induced sex change and her father is the only one warning that such changes will be irreversible and something she regrets later on down the road.
“They’ve created a delusion and they’re forcing parents to live in this delusion,” Hoogland is quoted as saying. “What happens when the bubble explodes and the delusion ends? She can never go back to being a girl in the healthy body she should have had.”
“These kids don’t understand,” Hoogland added. “What kind of 13-year-old is thinking about having a family and kids? What kind of father would I be if in 10 years’ time she’s deteriorating, and she asks me, ‘Why didn’t you do anything to stop this? None of you stuck your neck out for me back then.'”
Hoogland’s points are salient and highlight one of the reasons why fathers exist in the first place. It is built into their natural biology to steadfastly moor their families to what is right and good rather than allow them to bend and sway with every cultural wind.
This is why the Cult of LGBTQ is viciously pushing an anti-father and anti-male agenda. By eliminating men and masculinity from the equation, as Canada has now done, it is much easier to pervert society, destroy the family unit, and ultimately collapse civilization.
“This is madness,” writes Michael L. Brown for Life Site News. “This is something out of ‘1984.’ And it is something that many of us have stated plainly was coming to a city near you.”
Thanks to toxic feminism, masculine voices of reason like Hoogland’s that defy the wickedness of our day are denigrated and squelched. Meanwhile, effeminate voices of irrationality and emotionalism that propagate evil are praised and elevated at every turn. This is why good men like Hoogland end up imprisoned while terrible women like his ex-wife are empowered.
If complicit males continue to lend their support and energy to the types of women that propagate such evil in the name of “tolerance,” society will eventually collapse. It would seem as though we are already in the latter stages of this collapse, and very soon everyone will see and experience the dire consequences.
“There are no parental rights in Canada for small children thrown under the bus of LGBT’s depraved control of child’s bodily harm-involving operations, chemical therapy for the rest of their lives, no right to conversion therapy, and no chance of a normal life,” wrote one of our own. “This goes beyond absurd. It’s sick!”
“It’s like the Salem witch trials on steroids,” wrote another at Life Site News. “Absolute, complete madness.”
More related news about the Cult of LGBTQ’s destruction of society can be found at Gender.news.
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Tagged Under: Bill C-16, Canada, Crybullies, daughter, discrimination, father, gender confused, intolerance, jordan peterson, left cult, lgbtq, obey, persecution, perversion, police state, transgender, Tyranny