03/16/2021 / By JD Heyes
By now it doesn’t surprise anyone who has a functional brain stem and isn’t an abject partisan that Joe Biden is one of the biggest legit racists who was ever elected to Congress.
Perhaps not quite on par with the late West Virginia Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, who was some ranking ‘grand wizard’ in the KKK at one point in his life, but one who has been definitely prone to making racist and racially-tinged statements.
With that in mind — ‘it takes a racist to know one’ — it makes perfect sense that Biden would appoint a fellow racist gaslighter to a position of authority within his regime. And because you can’t make this kind of stuff up, that position just happens to empower this person to be even more racist.
The National Pulse reported:
Joe Biden’s National Director for African-American Engagement, Trey Baker, has authored a number of anti-white tweets, including quoting people instructing him to not “bring a white girl home,” The National Pulse can reveal.
Baker, who held the role during the campaign, recently transitioned to the role of Senior Advisor for Public Engagement in the Biden White House.
While with the Biden campaign, Baker was assigned to “manage and execute an African American focused constituency outreach plan” to “support and provide strategic recommendations for the travel of the Vice President, Dr. Biden and high level surrogates nationally,” and to “prepare, develop and manage memos and briefings for events, where appropriate, for National Political Director, Campaign Manager, and Principal.”
But despite this prestigious position and as he continued advising Biden as president, Baker’s Twitter account was littered with anti-white racist sentiments.
Let’s be clear: There is no need for Democratic presidents or candidates to have a ‘black outreach’ director or program when 90 percent or more of blacks already vote for Democrats (for some reason, despite the party’s anti-black history — the Confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, pushing segregation, etc.).
But the fact that Baker did have such a position and still posted or kept anti-white content in his Twitter feed means a) he’s the genuine article when it comes to actually being a racist; and b) that is perfect fine with Biden’s regime because that content would have been discovered during Baker’s vetting process (and it obviously didn’t matter).
Dating back to October 2009, Baker posted on Twitter: “I heard her loud and clear too. Last sentence before moving to CO from Mama: ‘I love you, be safe, don’t bring a white girl home.’” (Related: Woke leftist Biden handlers get him to Make Racial Discrimination Great Again as admin drops lawsuit against Yale.)
He also tweeted in 2009 about why “white people love bagels so much” and something about “white girls at Ole Miss” compared to the “Nupes” — nicknames for those who belong to the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.
Like a late senator — Byrd — had to be a legitimate hater of blacks, Jews, and other ethnic groups to become a higher up in the KKK, there is no way that Baker’s anti-white sentiment simply went away with age. Rather, he no doubt not only still harbors it, but legitimizes the sentiment as a Democrat and member of the Biden administration when it comes to white conservative Trump supporters.
It’s likely that he disparages white Trump supporters in private like many black Democratic lawmakers and talking heads on cable news do in the open — especially overt racists like MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who can’t get through a program without screaming and whining about racism.
Now, the real question becomes: What is Biden’s team going to do with Baker? Are they going to ask for him to apologize? Resign? Will he be fired? Because what will ‘outreach’ to black communities by him look like? What will he say? What sentiments will he push?
Racism has no place in any society, but it’s a helluva lot more prevalent on the left than it has ever been on the right, especially in the age of Biden.
See more reporting like this at RaceWar.news.
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Tagged Under: african-american, anti-white, Biden regime, bigotry, black outreach, Crybullies, Donald Trump, intolerance, Joe Biden, Joy Reid, KKK, left cult, msnbc, Ole Miss, racism, Robert Byrd, Trey Baker, Trump supporters, tweets, Twitter, white girls