01/11/2021 / By Ethan Huff
While millions of Americans with health insurance are still having to pay out of pocket for necessary dental procedures that are considered to be “cosmetic,” and thus not covered, California is rolling out the red carpet for gender dysphoric teens to get their sex organs sliced off for “free.”
California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara announced just before the commencement of 2021 that insurance companies in the Golden State will now have to pay for minor girls who think they are “boys” to get a double mastectomy – because not agreeing to do this would be “transphobic.”
In order to facilitate the “creation of a male chest” for girls in whom it is “medically necessary,” Lara says the insurance industry will need to provide coverage on-demand for the mutilating procedure.
“For far too long, individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria have had to battle a host of challenges to get access to gender-affirming care in order to be their true selves,” Lara said in a statement.
Lara further suggested that requiring girls to be at least 18 years old before opting to have their breasts removed is an example of “outdated medical criteria” that “creates barriers to necessary medical care.”
At the behest of a group called “Trans Family Support Services,” Lara ordered his counsel to issue an order at the conclusion of 2020 forcing insurance carriers to provide double mastectomies for all little girls who want them.
Lara ruled that “insurers may not deny coverage for a mastectomy and creation of a male chest (‘male chest reconstruction surgery’) for treating gender dysphoria in female-to-male patients based solely on the insured individual’s age.”
To be clear, insurance companies are already required to provide sex organ “reconstruction” to gender-confused people who are over the age of 18. The change now allows for minor children to get the procedures as well without having to pay out of pocket.
As noted by PJ Media, the Orwellian language replete throughout Lara’s statement is both deceptive and inaccurate. “Male chest reconstruction surgery” is not a medically accurate phrase, and neither is the word “mastectomy” when used in this context.
A real mastectomy involves removing diseased tissue from a woman’s chest, not healthy tissue from a mentally diseased girl’s chest. In other words, Lara’s edict completely redefines basic medical terminology, which is apropos considering transgenderism represents the redefining of humanity.
“Insurance Code section 10123.88 requires all health insurance policies to cover reconstructive surgery necessary to ‘improve function’ or ‘create a normal appearance, to the extent possible,'” the order further states.
“Reconstructive surgery is defined as ‘surgery performed to correct or repair abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease to do either of the following: (A) To improve function. (B) To create a normal appearance, to the extent possible.'”
Meanwhile, the same exact procedures will not be covered if they are detached from the LGBTQ agenda. Women simply wanting to alter their breasts for some other reason will not be covered under the new rules.
Should an insurance company refuse to cover the cost associated with “male chest reconstruction surgery,” that institution will now be guilty of committing “discrimination” against transgenders.
At no point has Lara or anyone else within his commission acknowledged the fact that many so-called transgenders later regret their decision, especially when it is made very early in life. He also did not bring up the fact that transgender “clinics” are lying to children about the effects associated with taking hormone-blocking pharmaceuticals.
“No one is ‘born in the wrong body,'” says Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians. “Sex is determined at fertilization by genetics … Counseling and/or psychiatric medications to treat underlying traumas and causes are the answer; not physical mutilation at the hands of a so-called physician.”
More related news stories can be found at Gender.news.
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Tagged Under: California, California Insurance Commission, Child abuse, gender, gender confused, Gender Dysphoria, insurance companies, left cult, LGBT, Lunacy, mutilation, Ricardo Lara, sex organs, Trans Family Support Services